This page is an explanation of how to secure an account.

Google Authenticator App

TOM User Security

Login with two-step verification

If a user has been created, that user can choose to protect that account. For more information on creating such an account, see Users.

Google Authenticator App

Step 1

Download the Google Authenticator App from the store.


If it is downloaded, it will be listed as an extension in Google.


Alongside adding it to your browser, it is also advisable to add the app on your phone. You can then add the code that TOM generates to both your browser extension and your phone's app by scanning it with both devices.

Step 2

Click on the Google Authenticator App extension and it will open.

There are a number of buttons, including Edit, Scan QR Code, Lock and Settings.

Edit is the button for adding and removing security codes.

Scan QR-Code is for scanning QR-Codes that appear when you want to apply two-step verification.

Lock is for re-locking the Google Authenticator App, if this button is clicked, it is necessary to log in again.

Settings speaks for itself, everything can be set here.


Step 3

Go to settings and click on security. Enter the password you would like to use to lock the Google Authenticator App.

