This page explains how to go from intake form to customer data.

Where can you find the New Tenant Forms page?

This page is positioned under intake forms in the forms.


Creating an intake form to a customer

To create an intake form we don't start at the New Tenant Forms page, before we get to that an intake form has to be filled out in the public section of The Office Manager. So this happens when a new person fills out the intake form after we have sent it and put that person with company in the system.


When the intake form is completed, it may be that an e-mail is sent to the recipient of the form and to the client, this can be set via the e-mail settings. After this we can view the completed form in the system, under the New tenant forms page.


Once you have clicked on a New Tenant form you will be taken to another page, click on the 'Sync with Contacts' button here.


When a customer is already registered in the system, use the contact forms to complete the details of this company. If this is the case, a new screen will open. Click here on 'Update Existing Contact' if you would like to take over the filled in data. Then click on the 'Sync Contact' button.


The data of the customer and the company are then all entered in the right place, these two are also linked to each other as shown in the image below.
