The form settings page allows you to maintain your forms created in the system.

Where can you find the form settings page?

This page is positioned under Forms in the settings.



This page gives an overview of all forms, provided they have been placed in a category. If they are in a category then they have been removed from the general page and are under the heading of the category.


This page gives an overview of all the categories in the system, where you can also add new categories.


This page shows the settings of all the forms as a whole. If anything is changed here, the 'Save' button must be pressed to implement the change.

Add form

You can add a form by following these 3 simple steps.

Step 1

You can add a new form by clicking on the 'Add Form' button.


Step 2

After clicking on the 'Add Form' button a new screen appears. Here the data about the new form are entered, for example the name of the form and under which category it falls.


Step 3