This page explains how the contact form can be integrated into the website. This way, potential customers can contact you through the contact form on the website and this information will automatically be registered in The Office Manager.

Where do I enter the code to link it to my website?

To actually link the contact form to the website, a number of steps are required. These steps are carried out in the backend of your own website, which can of course be done via a CMS (Content Management System) such as Wordpress or Joomla, or via the website that has been built up by means of scratch coding.

Step 1

Go to the back of your own website and go to the theme editor under view.


Step 2

Go to the "Theme functions" button under theme files and enter the code there. Press save and the form is linked to the website.

Getting the code right

In order to integrate a form, the code must first be made correct, which we will explain in a few simple steps.

Step 1

Go to form settings of the form and click on "Integrations".


Step 2

Then scroll down and look at website integration to see the variables. In the code, make sure that the variables are overlaid.

