This page is a list of all details about all contacts created in the system.

Where can you find the contact management page?

This page is positioned under the heading contacts.


Add contact

You can add a contact by following these 4 simple steps.

<aside> 💡 In the example we use the sheet persons, this can vary and could just as well be companies.


Step 1

You can add a new person by clicking on the 'Add person' button.


Step 2

After clicking on the 'Add person' button, a new screen appears. Here you will find all the data of the person being created.


Step 3

If you then click on the 'Contract data' button, another field appears below it where you can add the person's contract data.


Step 4

When all details that need to be filled in have been entered, click on the 'Save' button. The person created will then be added to the list.